Welcome to Sultan's Portfolio

I am Sultan Siddiqi

An aspiring Web Developer


A picture of Sultan Siddiqi in a Tuxedo.

Hello! My name is Sultan Siddiqi. I work at a company called "Trivision Broadband and Telecom Inc". I am the Chief Technology Officer as well as the Operations Manager. In my sparetime, I actually am a huge gamer, and a self proclaimed foodie. I enjoy spending time with my fiancé, who wouldnt you know it, also loves food just as much as I do. I'm super excited to be in this Bootcamp and can't wait to learn all the skills it has to offer. The purpose of this portfolio is to show what I am capable of and the experience I have picked up over my time as a learning Web Developer.


Run-Buddy 2.0

Screenshot of Run-Buddy 2.0 Deployed Website.

Upgrading HTML and CSS

Horiseon Code Refactor Challenge

Screenshot of Assignemnt Code Refactor Horiseon Webpage.

Optimizing SEO and HTML Elements by Refactoring Code.

Project 1 : Like it? Listen to it!

Screenshot of Delpoyed Project1 : Like it? Listen to it!

Project 1: Like it? Listen to it!

Link to show some of my work during this course.

Project 2 : Lazy Plant Caretaker

Screenshot of Deployed Project 2 : Lazy Plant Caretaker!

Project 2 : Lazy Plant Caretaker!

Link to show my second project during this course.

Project 3 : FindItOut

FindItOut Project

Project 3: FindItOut

Link to show my third project during this course.